
New News. Wait... isn't news always new?

Hello people. Hello blog. I have far from forgotten you exist but have neglected you in the most callous of ways. You are always in the back of my head, whispering into my ear that I should be spending more time with you. And, really blog, you needn't be so subtle because I totally agree. The good news? Well, I have decided to revamp the blog, redo its mission, take some bad ass *pictures* with my new camera and most importantly: dedicate a few hours a week to write and publish and share.

The bottom line is that I like to write and I like to share. Another reality is that I have a very chaotic life with fleeting moments of quiet and calm. So, this is not a promise of weekly posts but rather, a mission statement for myself to publish more frequently and regularly and with more purpose. ReLaunch slated for October 4. Please, come along, I'd love for you to join me.


Keep your face always towards the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you. That quote was gifted to me engraved on a piece of cheap-o particle board in scripted black font by my very best friend when we were about six. It hung on my bullitin board throughout high school. It most likely cost her (read: her mother) sixteen ridiculous dollars. It was from Dollywood and the thought of it still makes me smile. In fact, the thought of her makes me smile (and tear up all at the same time.)

*photo not taken with new camera

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